Individual Services

When originally enacted in 1917, the Income Tax Act contained only 4,000 words.  It has expanded to over 1.1 million words and is now over 300 times longer than when it was originally created.   Whether necessary or not, tax compliance has become more complex over time.

Our team of tax experts is able to simplify the tax filing process, helping relieve some of the stress of “tax time”.

Each individual situation is different and our expert tax team will design a plan that is tailored to your specific situation. 

Personal Accounting Services

Some of the services provided by our firm are:

  • Personal tax planning & preparation
  • Unincorporated businesses
  • Rental properties
  • Foreign properties and non-resident US tax filings
  • Non-resident tax filings
  • Applications for reduced withholding taxes (both Canada and US)
  • CRA dispute resolution

Contact us today if you have any questions about our individual tax services.